

A responsive topbar is included to provide an overview and assist navigation.

Topbar Site Navigation

The topbar includes a menu to navigate the site table of contents. The name of this menu is Site by default. To change it, set the topbar_site_name option:

html_theme_options = { 'topbar_site_name': 'Site Navigation' }

To adjust the number of levels in the topbar site menu, set the topbar_site_depth option. The default value, -1, shows all levels.

Topbar Page Navigation

By default, the topbar also includes a menu to navigate the page table of contents. To disable this menu altogether, set the topbar_page option to False.

The name of the topbar page menu is Page by default. To change it, set the topbar_page_name option.

Topbar Relations

Be default, links to the previous and next pages are included by default on the right side of the topbar. To disable these pagination links, set the topbar_relations option to False.


To use your own colorscheme,

  1. Install Node/NPM
  2. npm install -g foundation-cli
  3. foundation new --framework sites --template basic
  4. cd projectname
  5. Run npm start
  6. Edit scss/_settings.scss to the desired settings
  7. Copy css/app.css to the _static directory of your Sphinx sources
  8. Set the stylesheet key in the html_theme_options.

For example:

html_theme_options = { 'stylesheet': 'myfoundationstyle.css' }

The pygments_style can be changed to a style that matches your theme.